It’s ugly. It’s rusty. It’s a challenge. But it’s my ugly, rusty, challenge. And his name is Charlie.
This isn’t a normal build project. At last not in the traditional goals of Porsche builds. I have done my share of pull the car apart, do body work, paint it, and meticulously put it back together, making sure that every little part is perfect. Bean there. Done that.
That isn’t what this is about. At age 52, I’m tired of building garage queens. Or attempting to build them, anyway,. The way I see it now is – cars were meant to be driven. And while I appreciate the efforts of the countless weekend restorers, returning classic cars to their factory condition, that isn’t what I am after now.
My primary goal is to drive this car. I am building a daily driver. As in every day. And I want to start driving it as quickly as is reasonably possible. Now, admittedly, the best way to do that would be to buy a nice “driver.” A car that is running, and ready to go. But, what fun would that be?
My project journal can be found here.
Wish me luck. This should be interesting!
About The Author: Steve
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